Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It is Wednesday.

Aside from several hefty work-related grievances, I am rather well in life. I am slowly re-integrating myself into society (minor and major), becoming well versed in human muscle anatomy due to aforementioned work-related grievances, and all in all am finding myself quite pleased about life in general (as long as I don't include my current thoughts about my current occupation). On the bright side, I never thought I would meet someone that I liked enough to be around for an extended period of time. I WAS WRONG! Don't wanna jinx this though, so more later.


Sunday, October 10, 2010


Happy Sunday everyone!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Best Sports Names (In My Opinion)

Coco Crisp? Awesome. God Shammgod? Widely recognized as one of the best. Dick Butkus? Okay, that one is really too easy. But we are forgetting some of the lesser known, but more fantastic names. Also, I will include some that you definitely know. Here we go.

20. Quentin Jammer
19. Fred
18. Rusty Kuntz
17. Rollie Fingers
16. Coco Crisp
15. Longar Longar
14. Muggsy Bogues
13. Dick Butkus
12. Milton Bradley
11. World B. Free
10. Dick Trickle
9. Keith Toogood
8. Miroslav Satan
7. God Shammgod
6. Majestic Mapp
5. Scientific Mapp
4. Commander King
3. Selvish Capers (doesn't that sound like a fantastic villain name?)
2. Immaculate Perfection Harris
1. Wonderful Terrific Monds III

The only reason Wonderful beats Immaculate is because of the simple fact that he is the THIRD one of that name. Thank you, and good night.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Muscle: Revised, Revisited and Renewed Autos of the 60's

Since the release of the 2005 Ford Mustang, there has been a resurgence of American automobiles exhibiting features of the beloved muscle cars of the 60's and 70's. This is something very near and dear to me, as a long time fan of classic cars.

I'm mostly concentrating on looks for this post. It's typically enough for me to have someone tell me "it runs good," even if it is a guy with three teeth and head-to-toe oil stains (in my experience, those guys somehow know what they're talking about). Also, when we're talking brand-new cars, it's hard to point out if something is going to have a mechanical problem in the future. Granted, there are certain features I look for, but generally they don't have a lot to do with the engine (though I have to admit, I don't mind a good V8 when I see it - or hear it).

So let's compare.

We'll start with the Ford Mustang. When Ford debuted its completely revised Mustang in 2005, I was impressed. For years I lamented the descent of the Mustang into the mediocre shell of what it had once been. For nearly a decade and a half, the Mustang was a symbol of power in a beautiful, muscular shell. It was the epitome of what a car was supposed to be. Then, in 1979, this happened:

Um, what the hell, Ford? For 25 years, the holy name of Mustang was further abused and its visage distorted. And then, in 2005, something beautiful happened. You know what I'm talking about. I finally breathed a sigh of relief for the fate of the sacred house of Mustang.

As much as I loved the Mustang in 2005, I love the Dodge Challenger now. If anything, the Challenger is the perfected revisitation of muscle. In my mind, it looks more like the '66 Mustang than the 2010 Mustang does.


2010 Challenger
2011 Mustang

1966 Mustang

See what I mean? And that's kind of a problem for me. The Challenger so perfectly exemplifies the cars of the 60's that it has completely pushed the Mustang out of my heart. I now see the Mustang as flawed, imperfect. It's kind of painful to admit. Though Ford returned to their roots first, they didn't do it nearly as well as Dodge. I have to give the Challenger credit there, they really went all the way with this one, and that's how you have to do it. Otherwise you end up with worthless crap like the late 90's Mustang *shudders*.

Though the unanimous agreement amongst experts seems to be that the Camaro is the best of the big 3, I have to be honest. I just don't like the way it looks.

And just like when picking a boyfriend, I can't go on performance alone. There has to be some kind of physical attraction too, and it's not there for me. I mean, the Camaro is too flashy for me, kind of like a fist-pumping Jersey boy in an Ed Hardy t-shirt. It just isn't my style. I have always felt this way about the Camaro, even before the debut of the redesigned model. To me, the look of the Camaro has always lacked that intangible element, the facet that lies somewhere between classiness, subtlety, and plain coolness.

That said, it should be obvious that my favorite is the Challenger. It's got hard edges, unlike the Mustang, and isn't overwrought, like the Camaro. These are the things that deep down make up the aesthetic of a muscle car, and are why the Challenger, to me, is a true throwback.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010

Long day which makes me even more awake than I should even remotely be

SO! Today, mi padre had surgery for his cancer. As a fun (and by fun I mean disturbing) side note, a while back I told one of my friends that my dad had the "c-word" and they thought my dad was having a gender crisis.

(Note to self: re-evaluate friends.)

So things went pretty well. We got to see him (briefly) after the surgery, and he was awake. And his usual dryly humorous self, which was super super encouraging. What was more encouraging was that when my sister leaned over to hug him, his blood pressure monitor went off, and he says "there goes the Sarah alarm." Did I mention before that my Dad and I have the same personality? I almost died when he said this. I would probably be cracking jokes right after I had a serious operation too.

I have been really mad/sad/stressed/et cetera over the past few days. But somehow everything came rushing at me today and I had this sudden feeling of calm and zen and forgiveness and acceptance and whatever. Every time bad things happen to me, I feel ten times older (in a maturity way) when they are over. This is a good thing.

Also I was completely floored by something my sister (whom i previously was angry at and today stopped being angry at and subsequently she) said that she was always impressed by and jealous of my extreme ability to forgive people.

This is something I've always done. I don't want to seem vain, but I simply do not have the capacity to hold grudges. I cannot burn bridges. I can barely stay angry at someone for a week. I think I just like people too much. Bottom line, it was nice to know that it mattered to her that I was forgiving enough for her to comment on it.

But then again, maybe my ADHD just makes me too distracted to stay mad at people.

In other news, I want fall again. Maybe even winter. I am entirely too hot natured, and my mother loves to regale me with stories from my childhood which involve quoting me saying "Momma. I'm sweatin." SO, clearly I have always been this way. I don't care if I was sweaty as a kid. I really didn't think 3 year olds had the ability to sweat.


Point being, the temperature over the past few days has been like 9 million degrees Fahrenheit (really like 98-103) AND humidity has been upwards of 8,000 percent (I guess I didn't even really need to exaggerate. Everyone who has a basic understanding of percentages knows that 90-93% is a frickton. North Carolina is making an A in humidity right now.) and I AM GOING TO DIE. It's not even cool inside. I am disgusting right now.

Moral of the story? I want fall. Or else I need to go live in Canada. Actually let me change the moral of the story. I need multiple homes that will suit my intolerance for temperature change throughout the seasons.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This is it. I am going to start blogging everyday.

No, I mean it. Sort of. I am sure I will lose interest at some point, but it always comes back!

Originally, this blog was intended to be composed entirely of letters. I was all "hey, self, you need to create a niche that has not yet been popularized. That way people will like you and you will get your own book and lots of stuff will happen woo! (Note: people already like me.) It will be like letters to the editor about stuff that needs to be brought to the attention of others!"

But sadly, I realized, as much as I like to rant about other people's flaws, I have no business doing this (this is not really true. I will probably continue to do this anyway. The real reason I'm no longer writing letters is that I am too lazy and scatterbrained to adhere to a consistent structure. GO TEAM!).

So what will probably happen over the course of my time here is a discussion of the inner workings of my brain area. Be forewarned that if you in fact, read this blog, you will no doubt have a firm grasp on what I like to refer to as my "extreme nerditude." I will most likely discuss in depth the following:

  • My inability to grasp the system/Hannah's adventures in College
  • My fingers' inability to type the word receive correctly (I know how it's spelled, my fingers just don't always cooperate with my brain)
  • Music and/or movies
  • Things I read on Wikipedia
  • Food Network
  • Dreams (not the figurative "reach for your dreams" crap. I mean legitimate, "I was sleeping and didn't finish my REM cycle so now I remember my dreams" dreams)
  • Apparently I will also be using a lot of quotation marks and parentheses.
These are things I think about far too regularly. Occasionally, also, I will talk about things of note.

That being said, I will now actually talk about something of note.


So as you, my fictional blog readers, may know, yesterday I found myself in a frenzied panic. I received some unexpectedly poor grades (I wasn't failing, they just were going to F* up my already sad GPA). Well believe it or not, the day that these grades were posted also happened to be the last day to drop the class. So imagine my surprise when at 4:59PM I am all "la-di-da, checkin my grades" and then it comes like a knife in my heart that I'm not doing so hot.

Immediately I go into damage control and start e-mailing everyone and their brother that can help me fix this. I went to bed last night freaking out because I didn't know what was going to happen. As I said in my previous post, I had my Braveheart kilt and facepaint on and was not about to go down without a fight. No, wait. I was definitely not going down, period. I am nothing if not relentlessly persistent about what I want, and I get what I want most of the time.

So here I am, unable to sleep from the sheer anticipation of it all. I've got my documents in order, I feel like I'm about to go to court to prove I didn't kill someone. And I am confident. Hell yeah, I'm confident. When most people get scared, or something really awful looms on the horizon, they run for the hills or freak out. Me? I turn in to the freaking terminator. I am the eternal optimist and I am always convinced that things will turn out right as long as I fight till the death (they don't always, but that is another post). And I will always fight to the death until justice is served.

So imagine my surprise when, this morning I awoke, checked my email, and lo and behold...

"I have received your request to drop. I will send the paperwork to the registrar today."

THAT'S IT?!?! No, really, I was expecting world war III. At the very least, I wanted to leave some sort of impression.

But I can't really be mad, cause I got what I wanted and didn't even really have to work that hard for it. Which is sometimes nice.

Ugh, my sister's dog is farting again. I gotta get out of here.